31 December, 2015 0 comments Leave a comment
Happy New Year Savings!

Thank you for an awesome 2015, we are looking forward to working with you in 2016!
Save 25% off your $50 order of cheer bows and softball bows, through 01/01/16!
Coupon Code: NEWYEAR2016
As a BONUS...
Every $75+ order with coupon will receive a
FREE Superior Emoji Bow!
This offer is only valid on Ultimate Bows listed on The Ultimate Bow at www.TheUltimateBow.com. It cannot be combined with any other discount, team discount or special offer. This coupon expires on 01/01/16 at Midnight, EST. This offer cannot be extended, used on phone-in orders or previously placed orders. Order must be placed through www.TheUltimateBow.com, total over $50 before shipping and payment must made at the time of the order. FREE Superior Emoji bow is only valid for orders placed on line using the New Year's Coupon and totaling over $75 before shipping.